50 Hilarious Friday Memes to Get You Through the Workday


Fridays are all about the anticipation of the weekend, and what better way to celebrate than with some laugh-out-loud Friday memes?

Here’s a collection of the funniest Friday memes, divided into categories to help you push through the last day of the week with a smile.

Whether you’re sharing with coworkers or just enjoying a quick laugh, these memes capture the Friday feeling perfectly.

And if you want to make it even more memorable, pair them with a Toasty Choice Card – a digital gift card that lets them pick their favorite brand from hundreds of options.

It’s the perfect way to end the week on a high note!

Friday Memes About Painful Truths

1. Fridays are the most productive days (for some people)

Depending on your industry, role, and even geography, Friday could be the day people get the most tasks done.

Friday meme about friday being the most productive workday

2. Retirement is a long ways away

Ignoring vacation, the average American works for 2,184 Fridays before finally retiring.

Friday meme about the eternity of work

3. Like, a really long ways away

To put it in context, imagine you eat a big mac every Friday (as a little treat). By the time you retire, you’d have consumed 1,220,240 extra calories.

Friday meme about the eternity of work

4. Procrastinating is rarely effective

Putting off tasks doesn’t mean you do less work, but it does mean you are more likely to get overwhelmed and rushed when you finally get around to them.

Friday memes about procrastination

Friday Memes About Working Extra

5. I’d rather lose at uno than stay late

(I am very competitive)

Friday meme about working late or drawing 25 uno cards

6. There are few feelings better than it no longer being your problem

Except maybe there not being a problem in the first place, I guess.

friday meme about it not being my problem

7. “Sorry I can’t. I need to walk my goldfish”

Make sure to give a nonsense reason, to further drive home your unwillingness to stay.

friday meme about not volunteering to stay late

8. The answer is always no

friday meme about rejecting work texts on your day off

9. I am busy on Friday

For exactly 8 hours ~~ I’ll be at work

friday meme about being busy on Friday

10. They always say good workers are hard to find

Which is precisely why I always hide.

friday meme about hiding from your boss

Friday Memes About Dying In Anticipation


11. Scientifically, time flows slower on Fridays

Well maybe not scientifically (we are not scientists), but that is how it feels!

friday meme about boredom

12. The only time I use Math

This article was written on a Thursday, so there are precisely 8 hours and 10 minutes left in the work week.

friday meme about calculating the exact time until the end of the week

13. What it feels like working through a Friday

If I had an hour left to live, I’d spend it at work on a Friday afternoon, because it would never end.

friday meme about time passing slowly at work

14. How I get myself out of bed on Friday

Boy math: If you’re an hour late for work, you can knock an hour off the time.

friday meme about time passing slowly at work

15. Every day can be described in terms of its relation to Friday

friday meme about calculating the days til friday

16. But seriously, why does the clock move so much slower on Fridays?

friday meme about time passing slowly at work

17. Me when I accidentally unbreak my camera on a Friday

friday meme about making it through the week... barely

18. Just me… hanging on till Friday like… 

friday meme about time passing slowly at work

19. The bags under my eyes are illegal in grocery stores

friday meme about barely making it to the weekend

Best day of the week


20. Friday truly is the best workday

Whether you are super productive or not, Friday is objectively the best workday.

friday meme about the best workday of the week

21. Only 8 hours to go

Fun fact: if you are 2 hours into the Friday workday, you are 85% of the way through the week!

friday meme about it being exciting to be friday

Friday Memes on the Weekend Debate

Is Friday part of the weekend?

22. The short answer: no. The long answer: nooooooooooo

friday meme questioning whether it is the weekend or not

23. To me, the weekend are days you don’t have to work

But again, I am not a scientist.

friday meme about the weekend debate


24. Maybe we should ask the source directly

(The character below is Fry)

Fryday meme about it being the weekend


25. Some people have some very strong opinions on the matter

I am not one of those people tbh

friday meme about the weekend

Friday Memes about Reaching the Weekend

If you’ve made it this far in the article, chances are you are looking really hard for something to distract you from the work week. The good news is that you’re almost there!

Well, unless it is any day except for Friday. In that case, feel free to sit back and enjoy these friday memes and just pretend you are celebrating too.

26. Let’s take a moment of silence

(for those who are still stuck in the workweek)

friday meme about being marked safe from the workweek

27. If a tree falls on the weekend, does the M-F crew care?

Probably not

friday meme about it no longer being my problem

28. “Peace”

I used to say “bye losers”, but HR said they’d rather I didn’t. Now, I just say that part in my head.

friday meme about leaving right at 5

29. No matter how stressful the week was, leave it all behind

Monday you can worry about work. Friday you can worry about work. But, you know who should not be worrying about work? Weekend you! Take a load off and enjoy some friday memes.

friday meme about leaving a fire behind

30. When you take “quitting time” a little too seriously

friday meme about leaving at 5 on the dot

31. If I can’t leave until 5 PM…

friday meme about when we can leave

32. …I will leave AT 5 pM

friday meme about when I do leave

33. But really, I’m just trying to make it through

Friday memes about Celebrating the weekend

34. It’s the weekend, baby!

HR also requested I not use the word baby, but I think it is ok in this context. I’ll let you know after my upcoming meeting.

friday meme about making it to the weekend

35. Is there a more universal feeling?

(sorry weekend shift workers)

friday meme about being happy it is the weekend

36. Crawled all week just to reach this moment.

friday meme about happiness

37. It is oK to celebrate. You’ve earned it.

friday meme about walking out of work

38. Friday, the beginning of 3 days of doing nothing.

friday meme with my friday face (it's mr bean)

39. Toaday is Friday

Remember, I am not a scientist

Friday meme about a frog (toad?) reporting that it is friday.

40. I am also not a cartographer

They make calendars right?

friday meme about pleasant surprises

Bonus Category: Friday memes for all types of feelings

41. If you must have a meeting on Friday, make it cameras off.

friday meme meeting = nap time

42. There’s no easier way to ruin your weekend than realizing you still have stuff to do

friday meme about a looming deadline

43. Friday meetings are like pineapples on pizza… why?

friday meme about afternoon meetings

44. Money doesn’t buy happiness, but it would solve like 98 of my 99 problems

Fun fact: gift cards are a great way to increase engagement

friday meme about recognizing employees

45. Jack is my favorite coworker

friday meme about focusing

46. Friday brain is so real. Like, do I even work here?

friday meme about timesheets

47. I’m like really popular with HR

friday meme about my killer jokes that HR wants to hear

48. The Weekend crew really has it the worst

friday meme about the weekend crew

49. This is the exact face my weekend crew friends gave me

friday meme about the weekend crew

50. Last but not least, the best time to stop working

friday meme about leaving work at 9:04 AM


And there you have it—50 Friday memes to keep you entertained and motivated all the way to the weekend. Don’t forget to share these “Friday memes for work” with your team and spread the Friday cheer. After all, everyone could use a laugh to make the last workday a little lighter.

And if you are searching for ways to help lighten the mood with your employees, look no further than our all-in-one digital gift card platform.

With Toasty, recognizing and motivating employees has never been easier. Our innovative Toasty Choice Card lets recipients pick from hundreds of different gift cards, ensuring there is a perfect gift for anyone.


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